Thursday 30 October 2014

Why Buy a Mima Xari Pushchair?

As a parent, it can be difficult to find essential items for your baby that are stylish yet supportive and innovatively designed. There can be so many boxes you want the pushchair to tick, to ensure you are receiving the best possible product out there. The Mima Xari pushchair ticks all these vital boxes including comfort, ease when cleaning and a compact body.


The pushchair has been designed to suit the ever-changing fashion scene for parents. Not only does the sculptured pushchair look great, but also the wipe-able seat surface is perfect for cleaning any spills effectively and efficiently, unlike other material pushchairs that can hold onto unsightly stains (nightmare!). The hood of the pushchair has been designed with a unique high gloss EVA foam material; this allows the pod-like shape to keep its form, unlike the typical canvas hoods, which can sag over time. The pushchair is also available in a selection of sleek colours, including grey, black, brown, white, camel flair and limited edition white and black.


One of the most important functions of a contemporary pushchair is, of course, manoeuvrability. The Mima Xari has been designed with larger rear wheels, ensuring you can get up that staircase easier than you would with smaller wheels. The built-in suspension makes for a sturdy journey for both baby and parent. No matter the time of your journey, even in rush hour you can dodge the crowds with ease, and with the addition of the flip-flop break, which is a doddle to use, the pushchair is as easy to use as it is to ride a bike! 


Unfortunately, as parents we can’t really test the pushchair out to rate it on comfort levels but we can reassure you that with the use of EVA foam material, your baby or toddler is sat in the most ergonomically supportive seat. The safety bar is also easily removed, so you can say goodbye to uncomfortable wooden restaurant baby chairs and hello to the familiar pushchair! So it doesn’t matter if you’re just popping into town for a quick bite, or going on a five mile hike – your little one is as comfy as can be.


The pushchair is the beast of all mobile baby items, where are you going to store a pushchair in your house? Luckily our designers have thought of this inevitable problem and have cleverly implemented an ultra-compact design, with added quick release wheels – perfect! The chair is even small enough to fit into the boot of a mini. Within 15 seconds the pushchair can also be converted into a useful carrycot for your baby, this can make visiting friends and family less sleep disturbing for the baby. This gives both the baby and adults, a more relaxing time.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Top Tips for Finding a Great Pushchair

Whether you’re having your first, third or fifth child, one of the most important purchases you’ll make before the birth will be the pushchair. Factors such as where you live, how many young children you have and how you spend your time all impact on the style you choose – Jane pushchairs come in all shapes and sizes, and every model offers practicality and comfort for both baby and parents. However, finding the one that’s right for you can be tricky. That’s why we’ve written a handy guide full of helpful tips, which will help you decide which design will slot into your life perfectly.

Think about where you live

Where you live is probably one of the biggest factors in deciding what style of pushchair you go for; small houses with minimal storage and narrow hallways won’t be able to accommodate large frames and carrycots, while anyone who lives in a flat with no lifts won’t relish the idea of dragging a huge pushchair up three flights of stairs. When shopping, look at the weight and size specifications to find out which pushchair works out to be the lightest and smallest; the Jane Rider is a great example - with a unique design that means the wheels retract by an extra 30%, and a one handed folding system, this is the pushchair style for you if space is an issue. 

Think about your lifestyle

Whether you’re a keen jogger, someone who loves nature and the outdoors, or a city-dweller who enjoys a trip round the shops followed by lunch, you’re going to want a pushchair that fits in with your lifestyle. The Jane Trider is the perfect all-round pushchair; the three puncture proof all-terrain wheels make it ideal for adventures in the woods, the seat position keeps your child away from traffic fumes, and the seat height cleverly adjusts to turn the pushchair into a high chair. There are a great range of Jane pushchair accessories as well; if you spend a lot of time outdoors, make sure you invest in a really robust raincover and a cosy footmuff for the seat unit in the winter. 

Consider any other children

If you already have other children, it’s a good idea to think about whether they’re going to need a place in the pushchair as well; times have moved on from the traditional, uncomfortable double stroller, and now clever designs mean that pushing two children can be as easy as pushing one. Choose from those that seat children side-by-side, in front and behind, or one on top and one underneath – the most important thing is to try them out first and make sure you can handle the weight. The best pushchairs for multiple children are those that can be adapted to a single-seat buggy once the time comes, and those that cater for children of both different ages and the same age. The Jane Twone manages to tick both of these boxes, and also features a range of pushchair accessories designed to keep all of your children safe, warm and dry.