Thursday 7 May 2015

The UPPAbaby Vista: the buggy for now and the future

The quest for the perfect buggy
If you are a new parent just embarking on the quest for a pushchair, the wealth of information and range of choices can be quite daunting. You want something practical, but at the same time, you want a pram that will reflect a sense of style and enable you to retain your personality in the world of parenthood.

Early days
Practicality and convenience do become paramount when you have a new baby. The UPPAbaby Vista pushchair is suitable right from birth, with its functional yet stylish carrycot attachment. The carrycot is perfect for overnight visits to friends and family as it has a ventilated mattress, saving you the hassle and decisions involved in buying a separate travel cot. In fact, you might soon find that your baby sleeps better in the comfortable carrycot attachment than they do in an unfamiliar travel cot.

The carrycot function will suit your baby right up to six months, when they can move into the spacious, padded toddler seat with a high ride position. The toddler seat enables them to sit up in comfort, face backwards or forwards, and enjoy seeing either you, or the world around them.

Handy features
Convenience is key, and the ability to transfer a sleeping baby from the car to the pram without needing to wake or lift them is made very easy with the Maxi Cosi/Be Safe Izi Go infant car seat adapters. Adapters for these car seats are included in a bundle deal, together with raincovers, sunshades and insect nets. 

Other handy features include:

  • The large basket at the base of the pram system which is spacious and easy to access and makes loading the groceries underneath the baby a breeze.
  • The telescopic handle can be easily raised or lowered with one hand, and the ‘push on push off’ brake is easy to operate.

Looking ahead
The UPPAbaby Vista also has an eye to the future. Able to transport children of different ages with its capability for many different seat combinations - carrycot only, toddler seat only, pram and toddler seat, two toddler seats – you will be well future-proofed, and the clever design avoids the hassles encountered with the traditional ‘side-by-side’ double buggies.

Available in a range of bold, bright colours, the Vista combines practicality with a stylish, modern design that will last.

At BabyBabyOnline we have the new 2015 UPPAbaby Vista models available from June 2015 so why not visit our store or website now to check out these latest editions?