Friday 28 August 2015

Make Life as A First Time Parent Easier with the Maxi-Cosi Mura Plus

Entering parenthood for the first time may seem a little daunting to begin with. Whilst you prepare for the arrival of your newborn baby, you may have already stocked up on essentials, from nappies to tiny baby clothes and lots of other baby necessities – but what about the larger items, like a pushchair, which could help to make your life more easier than you may think? 

First Time Pushchair Buyer?

Buying a pushchair for your baby is likely to be near the top of your to-buy list. However, if you are new to it all, you may feel overwhelmed at the styles and choices available.  Pushchairs are made so that they are suitable from certain ages and the wider the age range, the more cost-effective it can be.  For example, many parents may find that buying one which is suitable from birth could make life a little easier, as you won’t need to worry about forking out for a brand new pushchair every time your child grows to a certain weight.

Be Well Prepared

As a parent in general, becoming more organised will prove to be a massive helping hand in the long run.  Before your little one arrives, you should aim to have everything prepared and to hand, so that it is ready to be used straight away. This will save you time from having to unpack things out of boxes, whilst you could potentially have a screaming baby in your arms.  Buying a pushchair which meets all your needs as a parent will be beneficial from the very beginning, and finding one which can adapt to meet the needs of your baby as he/she grows will save you a whole lot of headache and hassle.

The Maxi-Cosi Mura Plus

Adaptable pushchairs like the Maxi-Cosi Mura Plus have been designed to grow with your baby.  It even includes two adapters, which can be used for Maxi-Cosi car seats and carrycots.  This will mean that you can transport your baby within their car seat, by slotting it into the correct adapter to the frame of the pushchair. You will be able to easily move your baby around without disturbing them, which is particularly helpful if they have been having a little nap whilst you have been driving. The pushchair can then be adjusted so that it suits your baby’s age when they are a little bit older, where the larger original seat which comes with the Mura Plus will give your child plenty of room.

Other beneficial features of this parent friendly pushchair are:

·         Large air tyres – which can help you travel smoothly over all terrains
·         It can be easily opened and folded – making it ideal to put in and take out of the car
·         Offers both forward and rearward facing positions
·         Can be reclined to give your little one comfort – especially important if they are sleeping

The Maxi-Cosi Mura Plus pushchair is extremely versatile, designed to meet your needs as a parent whilst giving your child a comfortable ride on their journey with you. 

If you would like to find out more information about this pushchair, you can give the team at BabyBabyOnline a call on 0121 744 6786.

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